Anti terrorism flotilla in Palma today

By Humphrey Carter
ROYAL Navy frigate HMS Campbeltown arrives in Palma this morning along with six other members of NATO's Standing Naval Force Atlantic (STANAVFORLANT).
The type 22 Royal Navy frigate will be accompanied by HNOMS Narvik (Norway), NRP Alvares Cabral (Portugal), HDMS Pweter Tordenskold (Denmark), FGS Kol (Germany), USS Klakring (USA) and led by the Dutch flag ship HNMLS van Heemskerck. The NATO flotilla will remain in Palma until April 13, however the HMS Campbeltown is expected to return in June. The flotilla, usually on deployment in the Atlantic, has been operating in the Mediterranean this Spring, as part of Operation Endeavour, NATO's STANAVFORMED ant-terrorist operation. The HMS Campbeltown is one of the Royal Navy's most powerful and sophisticated frigates. She was originally designed as a specialist anti-submarine platform, but the Type 22 Frigates have evolved into a powerful combatant with substantial anti-surface, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons systems. They also provide excellent command, control and communication facilities with an efficient cruising speed of 18 knots and a sprint capability of over 30 knots. The HMS Campbeltown, the second naval ship to bear the name, entered into service in May 1989 but the name of HMS Campbeltown has a distinguished record of Royal Navy service. The first HMS Campbeltown was involved in the Battle of the Atlantic, 1941 to 1942 and St Nazaire in 1942. Often regarded as “the greatest raid of all” the Campbeltown has the largest number of Victoria Cross medals awarded for a single operation.
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