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Widening of old Sineu road was star project

Staff Reporter
THE Council of Majorca yesterday unveiled the improvements to the old Sineu road, affecting a 15 kilometre stretch between Palma and Santa Eugenia.
Antonio Pascual, head of the Council's department of Public Works, referred to the upgrading as a “star project” of the previous Council's term of office. The improvements have meant the widening of the road from five to nine metres and modifications along the original route have modernised and raised the safety standards at some of the intersections. A new drainage system has also been introduced. Further developments include the creation of a series of rest areas set aside for vehicles and cyclists. The leader of the Council of Majorca, María Antonia Munar, declared that the Island needs more road renovation projects of this type and pointed out that Majorca possesses the densest car “population” in Spain. “We need good, safe roads, which are adequate not just for through traffic but which also offer alternatives for both cycling tours and hired car excursions” said Munar. The Council leader justified the necessity of building new roads in order to avoid bottlenecks “such as those that often occur on the Palma to Manacor highway”. The Council's roads director, Gonzalo Aguía, explained that the work will contribute to “unblocking” the entry into Palma from the Manacor road.
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