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Tourist tax funds benefit 17th century Palma Convent


Thanks to tourist tax funds, visitors will be able to see what life in a convent was like hundreds of years ago.
The convent is that of the enclosed order of Capuchinas, in the street of the same name, behind the Rambla.
Up to now, only a small part of the convent has been opened every year at Christmas, to display the magnificent collection of Nativity Scenes.
Now it has been included in the guided walks organised by the Balearic government.
The walks have commentaries in English, German, Spanish and Catalan and cost six euros, the money reverting to the convent for repairs. They will start next week and must be booked in advance, at telephone 636 430000 (9 to 11am, 4 to 8pm). Balearic leader Francesc Antich and tourism minister Celesti Alomar presented the project yesterday, with Sister Aina Mateu and vicar general Andreu Genovart. Visitors will be able to see the pantry and kitchen, the ironing room (one of the nuns' specialities is ironing delicate garments), the refectory, the pantheon, the church and part of the orchard, cultivated by Sor (Sister Encarnación) who is 92 years old. The convent was founded in the 17th century.

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