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Minorca hit by tourism slump

Minorca has been hit by the crisis in Germany this year, the airport yesterday reported that it has handled 27 per cent less German passengers this year, the equivalent of 41.116 less visitors than last year. The German holiday market now accounts for just 12 per cent of Minorca's tourist industry which is predominantly British. Although, the British market suffered a slight dip as week this year. British passenger figures at the airport are, so far, 3.35 per cent off last year, a drop of 22.311 visitors compared to last year. The growth markets for Minorca have been the Italian, up 18 per cent and the Nordic market which this year has grown by nearly 50 per cent. However, there have been an overall fall of 53.068 tourists with the Dutch market down 17 per cent, the Belgian market 13 per cent and the Austrian market 70 per cent. The British remain the number one client however. Minorca is hoping that the Turespaña campaign unveiled in Palma on Thursday and the island's plan to promote its nautical tourism sector will help re-address the balance next year.

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