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Father cradled dead son in rough sea for an hour

The body of 13-year-old Marc Gil was finally found yesterday morning, just 50 metres from the spot where his dead eight-year-old brother Angel was hauled out of the sea off Alcudia on Monday. The two brothers were washed into the sea while visiting a cave with their father Jordi on Sunday and divers, who suspected that the body of the 13-year-old had been pulled under, located the body at a depth of 18 metres in the icy waters. Police who had been trying to talk to the emotionally disturbed father for the past few days, yesterday explained that according to the father, all three were hit by a large wave during their day trip and knocked into the sea. The father said that it was still light when the accident happened and that he managed to recover the body of his youngest son. Battered against the rocks by heavy seas and strong waves Jordi clutched his son for an hour, fighting to remove his clothes in order to ease his body weight and keep him afloat, unaware of the fact that Angel was dead. Jordi Gil told police that once he finally realised his son was dead, he let the body go and started fighting to save his own life, removing his own clothes, and reach the rocks. One he had managed to scramble back on to land, it was then he called his wife on the mobile and a search and rescue operation swung into action. The search mission was hampered by the harsh terrain surrounding the cave the three had been inspecting and access to the exact location is difficult because of the cliffs and rough sea which batters the Aucanada stretch of coast all year round.

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