No sooner had Palma firemen extinguished a blaze which completely destroyed four parked cars yesterday morning, they were in action again fighting the flames in a top floor flat in calle del Carmen. The fire in calle Carmen was reported at mid-day and it is suspected that the blaze was caused by a short circuit. Electricians had been working in the old building during the morning, but had checked all the cables before reconnecting the main power supply. But, according to intial investigations, a spark set fire to the curtains in the attic flat and the flames spread rapidly. The electricians tried to put out the fire, but failed, fortunately the young couple who started renting the flat only a few months ago were out. The building was evacuated while firemen, using ladders, tried to get as close as possible to the flames and fight the blaze in the narrow street. During the afternoon engineers inspected the building and ruled the structure safe. Earlier in the morning, shortly after 5am, the fire service was called to the Bon Aires neighbourhood where a total of ten vehicles were engulfed in flames.
Firemen fight flat blaze and arson attack on ten cars