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Electric scooter tests

More thought needs to go into controlling electric scooters.¡

The new traffic laws for electric scooters are great news but what about a test? | PERE BOTA

| Palma |

Finally new traffic laws are coming into force governing the use of electric scooters which, while obviously being very handy, are a menace.

And, helmets, reflective jackets and not being allowed on pavements may all be well and good but many of the young riders have no road sense so should really have to take a test.

If they are going to have to spend most of the time riding on roads where cycle lanes are not an option, then they should have the same road sense as the rest of the drivers and motorcyclists on the roads.

Considering these machines make no noise and have limited bells, I doubt motorists are going to hear them, never mind see them zooming up alongside.

Taking a driving test, as the Bulletin featured last weekend, is not easy in Spain, even for experienced drivers having to take a Spanish test, so how can the authorities unleash electric scooters on to the roads when most of the riders have never taken any form of driving test.

Perhaps taking a full driving test may be a bit too much, but some form of instruction should be introduced for the sake of everyone on the roads, including the scooter riders, some of which may well get spooked by having to mix with all the traffic, especially in Palma.

More thought needs to go into controlling electric scooters.

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