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The sun shines on Mallorca

The sun is back out in Mallorca and so are the people

When the sun shines in Mallorca never mind the temperature. | X. SERRA

| Palma |

After an unusually wet and warm end to last year, November was one of the wettest in recent years and December one of the warmest, the sun is back out in Mallorca and so are the people. I know there is a good chance that some rain, or even snow, may have fallen on the island by the time you read this, but weather fronts never last for long and that is one of the great advantages of being in Mallorca - especially at the moment when being outdoors and, if you are that way inclined exercising in one form or another, is a safe bet.

Last night I played my second game of tennis of the week after a long cycle last weekend and the tennis club has been packed all week, it’s been a battle to book a court.
Granted, it’s a bit chilly, but with the right clothing for this time of year, providing it’s dry, no problem.

Granted, January is traditionally a month when the majority of people embark on their promise of getting fit and healthy, but for regular gym members it’s the best month to stay away - they soon start to quieten down early next month - so it’s great to be able to exercise outdoors in the meantime.

And, now that the UK has made getting to and from the island much easier, there is no excuse not to come and enjoy all the outdoor activities Mallorca has to offer - there are a few hotels open with some tasty offers.

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