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Best Behaviour!

Best Behaviour at Christmas!

| Mallorca |

WE have been warned; don’t get too carried away over Christmas and follow government guidelines. The rulings are simple; limit the numbers at your Christmas Day lunch or dinner, follow social distancing wherever possible and wear your mask.

The Spanish government know full well that they can’t control every household in the country and they are also aware of the fact that many will flout their coronavirus rulings but the government can’t really do anymore. It is up to us.

If we don’t follow the guidelines then we will be in big trouble especially if there is a rise in the number of coronavirus cases in the New Year. It is obviously going to be a difficult period for the authorities, after all it is Christmas and after a year to forget, people will want to enjoy themselves. I think that the local authorities can rely on the majority of local people to do the right thing.

Overall, the people of Majorca deserve to be congratulated because on the whole, government guidelines have been followed. You don’t see anyone walking around Palma without a mask and when Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez ordered everyone into lockdown, they did so and didn’t come out. I think you can safely say that there is now light at the end of the tunnel and the vaccine will be available in Spain from early next year. We are moving in the right direction. The government is asking for one final sacrifice and doing what we are told is not too much to ask.

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