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New Year is off

| Palma |

I think everyone will understand the Palma city council’s logic for cancelling New Year celebrations in city squares this year because of the coronavirus situation. Social distancing rules would be difficult to say the least. But I do object to the way things are just cancelled and it is a question of Thank You and Goodnight.

The New Year celebrations are the big event of the year with thousands of people gathering in city squares. But not this year. Instead of just cancelling the celebrations I don’t understand why the city council do not offer some alternative such as...obviously there will be no New Year celebrations but we are in talks with local media outlets who will be broadcasting from the city town hall live so people can watch the countdown on the City Hall big clock from their own homes on television. I know this is not the same but at least it is something, better than nothing.

Why doesn’t the city council go the extra mile and even offer Palma households the 12 grapes of luck which are such a big part of the New Year celebrations in Spain. I am sure that households will appreciate them and we need all the luck we can get after this year. I am sure that the council budget would stretch to a bag of 12 grapes. This year Christmas will be difficult with all the restrictions which have been introduced but it is still the festive season and the city council could be doing something to offer some festive cheer. Cancelling everything is a safe option but don’t forget festive fun.

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