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Fighting the virus

| Palma |

The coronavirus is above party politics but senior politicians need all the help they can get to deal with the spread of the virus.

Queen Elizabeth II, in her speech evoked the war-time spirit, so perhaps the time has come for a broad coalition of all parties in government to help deal with this emergency. In Spain, the socialist government of Pedro Sanchez, doesn´t have a majority and there has already been some political infighting between the different parties.

A coalition government with a single aim and single policies to rid the country of the coronavirus is certainly needed especially as Sanchez is expected to announce that the lockdown will continue until the middle of May. At the moment we need all the best ideas possible to try and stem the flow of this deadly virus. Obviously, there are able politicians in all parties and perhaps their help is needed now. In Britain, while the Conservatives have a big majority, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is recovering from coronavirus and his senior ministers have come under pressure.

Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Nationalists should all be invited to the top table and their ideas and cooperation actively sought, especially if difficult decisions have to be made. A political united front will also give the public more faith in the political system. Now, is not the time for governments to come under fire for what they didn’t do, it is the time for government to embrace their political opponents.

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