Winter tourism


There was a fantastic atmosphere around Palma on Sunday; not only was it Carnival time there were also the Day of the Balearics celebrations. The weather was good and there were parades in the morning and afternoon. Palma looked great. This was another golden opportunity to promote the city as a weekend-getaway destination. Whatever anyone says about a record summer season it is still a good idea to push for winter tourism as well. I just don´t understand why more effort is not put into promoting off-season events, especially Carnival, the Day of the Balearics and the San Sebastian festivities when there are all the free concerts across the city.

Palma has so much to offer during the winter season and everything is open. A large number of so-called boutique hotels have now opened their doors for business so there is an ample range of hotels in which to stay. Just because a fantastic summer season is on offer the local authorities should not just sit back. It must be remembered that at the moment the tourist picture is rather "artificial". Tourists who would usually go to resorts in North Africa have been diverted to the Balearics because of the security issues. One day these tourists will return to their favoured resorts, leaving the islands with fewer tourists. The Balearics have a good opportunity to attract more tourists during the winter months. It would be a great shame if it was just a question of an opportunity missed.

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