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Annie Lennox back on the island she “loves” Mallorca

Musical legend visited Robert Graves’s home in Deya

Annie Lennox is back relaxing in Mallorca. | Instagram

| Palma |

Annie Lennox has been back at her home in Mallorca and she has been out and about exploring and enjoying the delights of the island she admits she “loves”.

According to her latest Instagram post: “Two weeks ago in my HAPPY place!!!
A wonderful visit to the family home of world renowned scholar and author - “Robert Graves” in the village of Deia - Mallorca.
What a fascinating experience.

"Decades of change have made everything so vastly different in contrast to how life must’ve been back then in the Forties when this home was built. It made me feel especially nostalgic for donkey carts, peace and a slower pace of life that will never be returned to this magical island.

"Traffic roars past the house now - while ‘tourist’ estrangeros like myself traverse the little streets, restaurants and cafes in search of an idyll that is somewhat spoiled by our very presence.

"The irony of a tourist economy that both sustains and destroys at the same time.
I ❤️love Mallorca though .. and always will!”

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