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Frequent British flyers to Mallorca facing new tax

UK government wants to cut aviation emissions

Regular visitors to Mallorca from the UK may be made to pay more. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

| Palma |

British second home owners in Mallorca and regular visitors - frequent flyers - could be hit by a new tax. The idea has been knocking around for years, back in 2021 a government report concluded that a small minority of frequent flyers dominated air travel in almost all countries with high aviation emissions, analysis suggests.

In the UK, 70% of flights are made by a wealthy 15% of the population, with 57% not flying abroad at all. There were calls then for a frequent flyer levy - a tax that increases the more you fly each year. Greenpeace supported the tax and also wanted air miles banned because they say it encourages frequent flying.

According to the Independent today, some MPs are backing fresh plans for a frequent flyer tax to reduce the demand for air travel, if other measures aimed at cutting aviation emissions fall short of expectations. Research for the climate campaign group Possible says that, in the US, just 12% of people take two-thirds of flights. The government's advisory Climate Change Committee wants a levy on frequent fliers.

The Possible research suggests the frequent flyer trend is mirrored in other wealthy countries. Alethea Warrington, from Possible, said: "This report shows the same pattern of inequality around the world - a small minority of frequent flyers take an unfair share of the flights. "While the poorest communities are already suffering the impacts of a warming climate, the benefits of high-carbon lifestyles are enjoyed only by the few. A lot of people travel. But only the privileged few fly often."

Under government plans, emissions will be reduced significantly each year by technological measures, like increasing fuel efficiency and the adoption of sustainable aviation fuels. The first review of how the Jet Zero Strategy is working to cut emissions is expected to take place in 2027.

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