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Crazy paving in Mallorca

We have a dangerous pothole in our village which has been apparent for months with no repair in sight!

Be super vigilant of the potholes. | TERESA AYUGA

| Palma |

One of life’s greatest pleasures, since living here in Mallorca, apart from basking in an average of 300 days annual sunshine, enjoying a wealth of golden beaches, and embracing a laid-back lifestyle enriched with Mallorcan cuisine and a culture of historic traditions . . . is walking! I’ve always enjoyed placing one foot in front of the other, so a casual stroll, even in the busiest of cities, is for me, a natural and exquisite pleasure.

Back in the era of my London life, I used to look forward to strolling to work from either Waterloo or Victoria station into the exciting and fashionable hub of Knightsbridge. Rather than taking the stuffy ‘OMG I can’t breathe’ underground, I preferred the experience of columned architecture and the grand homes of Belgravia as I walked to work - with a particular penchant for the ‘chic’ frontages of Eton Place and their classy, designer window-boxes which often grew tomatoes and vegetables.
Weather permitting, most of my London lunchtimes would be spent walking the pathways and green glades of Hyde Park, or absorbing the opulent city.

Here in Mallorca we don’t have iconic parklands, but we do have the glorious countryside, along with mile upon mile of winding lanes to peacefully amble and explore, as long as you don’t get mowed down by the current swarms of silent cyclists who apparently have more right than ‘you’ to enjoy the pleasures and delights of our Mallorcan landscape! But as long as you possess the ability to leap sideways, at a moment’s notice, into the brambles like a nimble gazelle, then you should be fine!

It goes without saying that when standing or walking, our ankles do a magnificent job of support, carrying the weight of our entire body, bearing more stress than any other joint in the human skeleton. Naturally, with some people, ankles suffer and endure a lot more work than others! However, it’s not as if we wake each morning pondering – “I wonder how my ankles will bear up today?” Usually, it’s only when something goes wrong, and pain kicks in, that we start to take more interest in both ankle and knee related care.

Several years ago, Other Half developed a painful problem when a tendon in one ankle somehow became torn, causing acute pain as it struggled to keep the foot in its correct position when standing and walking. As we get older, the arches of our feet have a general tendency to collapse – just like old bridges! It’s a natural process (which starts around 40) when our feet begin to slowly lean inwards (fallen arches) and the tendons have to work extra hard to pull and support the feet back into their correct position.

The outcome, via a brilliant foot specialist, resulted in custom made ‘plantillas’ (innersoles) prescribed to be worn at all times, in all shoes, to correct the alignment of the stressed foot, taking unnecessary strain off the said, damaged tendon.

With this intelligence to hand, when my own left foot suddenly developed excruciating pain with ‘first steps’ in the morning on rising, or after prolonged sitting, I was off to the same ‘foot doctor’ like a rat up a drainpipe, and diagnosed with ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ which is basically inflammation of nature’s ‘shock absorbers’ situated in our heels. ‘Plantillas’ were also recommended and amazingly stopped the pain almost overnight. The custom-made innersoles also relieved a developing knee problem, as the positioning of our feet also affects, knees, hips and backs in a knock-on effect. A simple remedy yet remarkably effective.

I was also told that my problem had developed slowly over the years through continually wearing summer, canvas shoes without adequate support, and fashionable flip-flops. A rather clever computer programme at the ‘foot specialist’ monitored my walking pattern and graphed the problem with my tread, which the custom made ‘plantillas’ immediately corrected. It’s a simple science which also benefits from walking on flat, even surfaces whilst avoid sloping terrain.

Since being advised of the importance and benefits of walking on the flat, I have become increasingly aware of the seriously ‘crazy paving’ which exists here in Mallorca, where it is virtually impossible to find an ‘even’, level pavement. Most pedestrian sidewalks seem to be constructed with such an acute slope to accommodate rain flow during our brief, wet season that I’ve almost considered having one leg shortened in order to walk level!

Also, workmen generally don’t seem to use the infamous spirit level here, preferring to trust the expertise of their unfailing Mallorcan eye, the result of which is the blessing of seriously uneven paving slabs, which, until you have a problem, you might not even notice.

I dread to think how much public funding is spent annually on fiestas across the island, when a little of that ‘firework fund’ could be well spent on improving and repairing local pavements. This is 2023 after all, and there are far too many potholes and paving disasters in evidence, which present a serious and dangerous hazard to the general public. We have a dangerous pothole in our village which has been apparent for months with no repair in sight! Surely pavements and guaranteed safe walking in our towns and villages should be a priority? After all, this is not supposed to be a third world country but a thriving, modern island with infrastructure, decent roads and walkways. If this was the USA there would be a law-suit filed every five minutes through someone tripping or falling because of uneven pavements. Not the case here in Mallorca though! You could fall down a sink-hole and only get a traditional shrug for your trouble!

So, on that note. . . be super vigilant. Look after your feet, walk safe, and if you can’t – then happy stumbling!

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