Last orders for Bar Atlántico in Palma

Bar Atlántico has only been able to open a few days this year

Bar Atlántico

Bar Atlántico in Palma closes down. | joan torres

| Palma |

After nearly 25 years in business, yet another iconic bar in Palma is closing down because of the coronavirus pandemic and the Balearic Government's harsh restrictions.

PALMA. BARES. ADIOS AL ATLATICO. Este conocido bar de cócteles, donde en un principio se abrió

Bar Atlántico has only been able to open a few days this year and debts have been mounting up, forcing Pedro Alomar and his wife, Anne Pickard to file for bankruptcy.

Back in the 1960’s, Bar Atlántico was owned by a former US Navy Officer and it was called Texas Jack. At that time, was an authentic American bar offering American beer, country music and the spiciest beef chilli in the Mediterranean and most of its clientele were officers and sailors from the sixth fleet.

Rock & Cocktails

In 1997, Pedro and Anne took over the premises and renamed it Bar Atlántico and thanks to its rock music and famous cocktails it attracted the young, trendy crowd and its popularity soared. Some nights it was so packed, Pedro and Anne had to roll up their sleeves and help out behind the bar!

Customers also continued the tradition of writing on the walls which is what makes it such a unique watering hole.

Barman, Rodolfo Zerga ‘Rolo’ from Rosaino became famous for his friendly welcome and his amazing cocktails.

Bar Atlántico is the latest in a long line of businesses that have gone bust in the last year.

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