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Majorca Mallorca

Staying Fit In Lockdown Part 3

Sarah Jane Gooderson | Vicki McLeod

| Majorca |

Being as physically and emotionally healthy as you possibly can has never been more important than it is right now. Luckily for us there are many professionals available and giving classes for free online, all you need is an internet connection to join in. You can find all of these talented people through the Facebook group .

Over the next couple of days At Home Together is dedicated to people who have given their time for free to help us all feel better and take care of our health. Thank you to you all for your service.

Sarah Jane Gooderson, Yoga & Exercise to Music teacher

VMc: What is your motivation for doing what you are doing?

SJG: I work in the south west of Majorca, in a family run hotel called Hotel Bonsol Resort and Spa, where we also offer yoga retreats. I teach group classes in Son Caliu, near Palma Nova, and normally I can visit you at home too. Yoga is my personal passion, where I have discovered the power of breath over the mind, which I am finding very important in this moment! I also feel that exercise to music is a fun and easy way to exercise, and especially good for more mature clientele.

VMc: What have you learned about yourself and/or other people during this period?

SJG: At this moment the worst thing to have to deal with, for me, is the acceptance that one might not be able to get to a loved-one if they get sick because we are living abroad. I know that yoga helps me to manage my fear. But, I’ve also recognised my insecurities when I am teaching live on Zoom, as it has been messy at times and I have questioned myself a lot; Am I good enough? The thing is, I have found my participants to be very grateful for my efforts, and each time I have had to deal with a problem, or criticism I have managed to solve it! So, I guess it is proof that we can achieve whatever we want to, if we persevere. You can call me on (0034) 696 422 041 Stay well and stay strong everyone.

Glynis German, Independent Celebrant

VMc: How did you get into what you are doing?

GC: Pure fated fluke with the realisation that I was born to be a celebrant!

VMc: And, what is your motivation for doing what you are doing?

GC: For sacred ceremony to become part of our day to day life and for people to reflect more on the positives than the negatives.

VMc: Has the lockdown changed the way you do business?

GC: Absolutely! I even officiated an online funeral ceremony which had more plusses than negatives. Plus I have made some huge decisions about what services I shall be offering in the future which include sharing all that I know of celebrant's work.

VMc: Do you have a message for the readers?

GC: We have an incredible opportunity before us right now. We can choose to form part of a new future which prioritises the well being of the planet and our fellow human beings over economic disparity. We can continue with simple living by staying home and close to nature and we can support local business and projects by asking, does it benefit me, does it benefit everyone?!

Saskia Griffiths, Bowspring Yoga instructor and founder of Casa del Karma, Ibiza

VMc: How are you coping with the lockdown?

SG: Lockdown has been a process of waves; the first two weeks I was in a state of shock burning adrenaline, moving constantly. On a personal level: my basic needs are more than met and there is no real threat to my business (at this very moment).

I feel deeply for those stuck in challenging situations without any tools. I can't imagine not being able to connect to nature and not knowing how or having a way to move, stretch, breathe and meditate.

I'd be going totally nuts without a way of navigating the huge waves of emotion, the spinning out of thoughts and shifting energy through my body. As for most of us, the uncertainty of our tourism industry is a big concern; this summer would be Casa del Karma's first season and all enquiries and bookings have come to a complete halt.

Having more than my needs covered, I feel compelled to share tools that help me feel connected to the present. My coping mechanism has been to integrate and put into practice all my practices, moving what I feel through my body, sitting in meditation, nourishing my body by looking after it best I can, resting, listening and tuning in deeply. My love, appreciation and belief in my practices has exploded over this time as I see for myself and in others how our innate nature is not just to survive, but to heal and thrive while we have the gift of life.

VMc: Has the lockdown changed the way you do business?

SG: I've been teaching online since 2012 and since the lockdown, I have been doing a lot more! I'm grateful we can still connect and am loving the group sessions, with beings tuning into Casa del Karma to practice together, coming out of our minds and into our bodies. I already had a plan to offer more online content, however this lockdown has given me the time and space to make it happen, I'm doing my best to stay focused and use the time wisely.

VMc: Will you offer more courses online or remotely now?

SG: I teach online Monday-Friday with a special beginners class on Tuesdays at 5 pm. I'll have a beginners course coming up soon. Sign up for my newsletter if you'd like to stay posted on my offerings. I'm really enjoying feeling into our nervous systems to support our minds and bodies with therapeutic, grounding, empowering practices helping us build resilience. You can sign up for donation or monthly offerings on

Katie Handyside, Personal Trainer

VMC: What’s your inspiration for what you do?

KH: I personally have to workout every day, it's in my blood. I have never been the person to stay at home, I am always out whether it's biking, running, walking or at the gym. Movement is such a powerful tool that is so underrated, exercise changes your mindset completely, one day of not working out and I already notice a difference in the way I think.

I am incredibly passionate about what I do and I love the way I can use my passion to also help other people. The amount of people I have helped to lose weight and get fit and healthy makes me feel amazing, selfishly, this is something that no one can ever take away from me. It's there and regardless of what happens it always will be. I am very fortunate to have a job that gives me this amount of satisfaction.

VMc: How are you coping with lockdown?

KH: I have to be honest I had a bit of a wobble. I live on my own but my work means I am with people in a very close work environment very day all day. I felt hugely isolated especially because I am a very friendly person and it upset me the way people in the street would not look at you anymore or say hello and smile. I kept thinking this virus has taken away trust and morale.

Whilst it is important to keep safe, we must continue to smile and keep each other going. I really feel for all the people who have no-one at all. This is why I started my online training for free, I thought if I feel like this there must be many, many people all over the world who are so lonely and I wanted to do something to help. My group classes KEEP CALM, KEEP ON TRAINING, are live on facebook at 11.00 weekdays and I do a 20 minute session to reach out and bring people together from all over the world. A virtual online community. I say to people even if they do not feel like doing the workout do switch us on. My beautiful dog Lilly is a real character and I feel she is the star of the show, helping to keep people's morale up.

VMc: what have you learnt about yourself and other people during this period?

KH: I have learnt the harsh reality that at the end of the day there is just me . You must always maintain a positive attitude. If you talk about negative things then you just bring yourself down. Listening to the news constantly and worrying about the future does no good to anyone. Stick on your favourite music loudly , jump around and workout and smile at strangers

VMc: Will you offer more courses online now?

KH: Absolutely, even whilst training people online my clients continue to lose weight and get fitter. I have also been able to teach them very complicated moves like the Turkish get up that I never dreamed possible over a camera. I have also gained new clients, training businesses that are in lockdown, it's a fantastic way to energise and motivate staff who are homebound.

Marzena Kaczynska, Personal Trainer

VMc: How are you coping with the lockdown?

MK: Every day I keep my body and mind busy: reading, meditating, studying, recording short workout videos where I often try to play some character to make them more interesting and/or funny. Yes, making a monkey out of myself is a pure pleasure I would never have expected of myself. I love it and I love it more that the people who watch my videos enjoy them too. Obviously I work out every day. it doesn't just let me keep my body in shape, it makes me feel great! And also I have time to talk more to my friends and family even though I am here on my own.

VMc: Has the lockdown changed the way you do business? Will you offer more courses online or remotely now?

MK: I had been giving online personal training before the lockdown. You can still transmit your energy to the people through the screen, even though nothing compares to real contact and I definitely miss that. But I will definitely include more online courses and I already have a few ideas of how it could look like.

VMc: Have you seen any benefits to the period of quarantine personally, apart from the obvious “not getting ill”?

MK: People seem to be nicer to each other, there is less pollution. We appreciate our friends, family and relationships and the freedom we had to do whatever we wanted to. I discovered that I can become really creative and something like boredom does not exist if you are open to that. This situation came to teach us something. We should appreciate more and complain less. Be happy for every single day we can spend in this world, and for every precious moment with our loved ones. Anything that comes to us in our lives is for us, not against us, so I would recommend taking advantage of these times and trying to learn something about ourselves, be better and nicer to each other even by 1% day by day.

Let's keep our energy and vibrations high as in any difficult times love can brighten any type of darkness.

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