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Shameful animal welfare standards in Palma

Dear Sir,
I could not wait to come to Palma for a week’s holiday with family and friends. On first impressions, the city is beautiful and host to some wonderful hospitality.

However, myself and the rest of our party remain absolutely traumatised from our first day here when we saw the barbaric cruelty that those poor horses suffer while they pull pig-ignorant tourists around the city centre in scorching temperatures.

How can the town council and the people living here allow such atrocities to carry on with a complete disregard for the suffering of these poor, poor animals who clearly live a life of sheer, abject misery. It has completely depressed me for the rest of my time here, and to be honest, I can’t wait to get away from it.

We have all signed a petition, but beyond that are absolutely clueless as to how we can stop this disgusting practice or contribute towards it’s abolition.

So disappointed and genuinely gutted. Shame on you, Palma. And shame on all those revolting tourists who perpetuate and pay to keep this repugnant, outdated mode of animal slavery.

Yours faithfully,
Lou Waldegrave

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