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Dear Sir,
The latest editorial in your paper displays the usual idiotic logic all too often present in your editorial pages. The reason the capital of Palma has managed to gain a decent reputation and avoid the associations of the mass tourism horror spots like Magalluf and Arenal principally because most of the people attracted to these places don’t venture out and spoil it. To suggest that somehow a greater presence in Palma from this mass market demographic would somehow be a good thing is just plain stupid and populist nonsense. Likewise your endless carping on about all inclusive holidays denying other areas business and the need for them to be somehow curtailed, defies intelligent logic as it is quite obvious that in order for Majorca to maintain an acceptable equilibrium these options are essential. For someone who has lived on the island for many years Mr Moore displays a scant understanding of these issues and should perhaps consider this fact before dispensing his ubiquitous lectures on how things should be on Majorca.
Duke Higgs

Dear Sir,
Mr Lee seems to have sunk to a new low. In his latest letter he accuses Ray Fleming of being blinkered (MDB 22/7) and yet in his previous letter (MDB 18/7) he insinuates that somehow the parents of the children killed on a Gaza beach are somehow to blame. The sheer arrogance and insolence of the man beggars belief. Shelling 4 kids on a beach is a war crime in anyone’s language, Mr Lee, except apparently Hebrew. Gaza is one huge open prison that Israel is using as a shooting gallery. It has been blockaded for years, the people there live under the whim and mercy of the IDF, which I’m sure even Mr Lee would agree is not their strong point, and collectively punished for having the cheek to democratically elect a government of their choosing. To attempt to justify Israel’s actions in Gaza is indeed blinkered, even for a Zionist apologist like Mr Lee. Shame on you.
Steve Humphries

Dear Sir,
If our capital is to become a true tourist capital of the world it must ensure that shops, bars and restaurants open late into the night during the summer season.
Good idea Mr Moore, lets move Magalluf to Palma old town. Why not have all the shops opening late and on Saturdays and Sundays to make it more like the 24 hr, 7 days a week mayhem in the UK. It might also be worth remembering that we, the residents, are entitled to peaceful enjoyment of “our environment”.
Plenty of people come to Palma because of what it doesn’t offer as well as what it does. Our City has history, beauty, culture and peaceful times when both locals and “real” tourists can fully enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle.
Do not forget ‘once its gone, its gone!
David Anchell
Sa Gerreria

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