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By Jason Moore

IF you walk round Palma you don´t get the impression that Spain is in the midst of its worst ever recession. Shops and restaurants are full and people are spending. There are few boarded up shops in Palma, and stores that do close down quickly re-open again with new owners. Now, the figures speak for themselves, there are 100'000 people without a job and the figure is rising so why does Palma appear so buoyant? Either people are just using their credit cards or the Spanish economy is not in such a poor state.

I was in Madrid recently and you didn´t get the impression that it is the capital of a nation with severe economic difficulties. Over the bank holidays Palma has been a mass of people, with “Baleart” proving exceptionally popular. On Sunday there were long queues at the ice rink in the Plaza España. So perhaps things are not as bad as they appear.

Those in employment are enjoying themselves and spending. There is a sizeable proportion of the local population which is largely unaffected by the recession, the small army of civil servants. Although they have suffered a pay cut they do not face the same challenges as those working in the private sector. So, forget the doom and gloom, I think Majorca is set for a good Christmas and the New Year can wait!

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