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Fewer speeches more action

By Jason Moore
BOTH the leader of the Balearic government, Jaume Matas, and Council of Majorca President Maria Antonia Munar have hit out against the central administration's immigration policy. Munar has been more vocal on the topic saying that the “flood-gates” must be closed. Indeed over the last decade there has been a major increase in the number of so-called immigrants coming to these shores, the majority from North Africa and South America; (at the latest count about 100'000 people). The majority of these people have found work and are playing a key role in the local economy, in other-words doing the jobs that Majorcans no longer want to do. So what is the problem? What would Majorca have done without all these people. Yes, it can be said that the central administration's immigration policy is rather a mess and there are thousands of people working illegally. But this is more of a beuracratic problem than anything else. Immigration is not a problem but what is a problem is that thousands of people are working illegally and this issue must be resolved. I believe that it is up to Sr. Matas and Sra. Munar to do so. They have an obligation to safeguard the people of the Balearics and in some cases they are not doing so. So, no more alarmist speeches and more action, please.
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