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No going back to the old days

Dear Sir,
INTERESTING and highly unusual to see Ray Fleming and Jason Moore, for and against an argument regarding Majorca. But of course they are, contradictorily, both right. We should all love to live in a time warp (I do myself) and dream of the past when in Spain one could buy a brandy in a bar for two Pesetas, and the peons were grateful for a few centimos as a tip at a restaurant. When the roads were devoid of traffic - (I once arrived at Barcelona in an orange-coloured Capri, parking it and later returning to find a group of youths standing round admiring it!) However, Mr.Moore hits the nail truly on the head by saying, “That in the end, Majorca depends almost totally on Tourism”. They,or the majority, especially from England, have not the slightest interest in anything except their hotel,a strip of sand,and a pub at night. Some, on all-inclusive holidays do not stir even to enjoy the latter! So, like it or not, this is reality and all the moans and groans from Ms Lennox and other so-called'“celebs” will not alter it one iota. By the way, the old gibe regarding golf courses and their using water. Most of those on the Island, if not all, use re-cycled and purified effluent, not affecting consumption by the general public at all.
Phil Green, Son Ferrer.
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