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Winter tourism


THE local ministry for tourism could make a big difference on the issue of winter tourism. Now we all know that they have no money, but I am reliably informed that the promotion department has a staff of fifty. But, my proposal would cost little or no money. There is demand for out-of-season holidays on the island so why doesn´t the local ministry for tourism publish a list of the hotels that are open over the winter on their website? They could also include the winter schedule of the airlines and even add some What´s On information as well. This would cost nothing and this information would be easy to obtain for a government department dealing with tourism. It is the local ministry for tourism which has to take the lead to this issue. I have spoken to many companies involved in tourism on the island and they have said that unless the ministry for tourism gets involved there is little which can be done. The only thing that the Balearic ministry for tourism has done so far is to announce that there would be an eight percent increase in the number of winter tourist this year. This information has been dismissed by hoteliers and by Palma airport. There must be a very good reason why the ministry for tourism is opposed to winter tourism. It escapes me, because it would have obvious benefits for the island and its economy. The low season is going to last for six months in 2013/2014 which is a great shame because it is an opportunity missed

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