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Dear Sir,

THE letter from Richard Goss on the benefits of using a bicycle vs a motor car, apart from a possible time/distance small advantage and no parking fees, etc. There are a number of detractions in using a bike. n Not very healthy breathing in all the carbon monoxide being emitted by cars/traffic.
Not very comfortable cycling in the pouring rain.
Not very practical to carry anything, shopping etc beyond the minimum.
Should not be attached to lamposts/trees etc that are on pavements, thus impeding pedestrians.
Run a risk of a tap from a car where they will certainly come off second best.
Are thoroughly disliked by motorists, who consider them a danger, weaving in and our of traffic, wobbling off in pole position, ect, etc.
Maybe in the countryside, on designated cycle tracks/roads but in a town/city centre they produce more problems than solutions.


Graham Phillips

Palma de Majorca

Dear Sir,

MARC Fosh eulogises the use of Pomegranate in the Kitchen. It also deserves praise in the medicine cupboard. In juice form is already well known reduce heart problems by lowering cholesterol. Less well known is its ability to slow the progress of prostate cancer. Every season my country friends have an excess of the fruit but my daily dose of 250ccs is not Majorcan. My source is through Nice Price from the UK – not a noted pomegranate grower.

If one customer consumes almost 100 litres of juice a year multiplied by a percentage of sufferers (after lung cancer the second largest killer of men) then the market on the islands and Spain must be considerable. To my knowledge there is none sold in our supermarkets nor amazingly in health food shops. Could the island make a dent in our local credit crunch by starting up a new industry?


Mike Lillico,

Via email

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