By Jason Moore

IT was undoubtly the concert of the year and the organisers should be congratulated for bringing the likes of Elton John and Andrea Bocelli to Palma. More than 25'000 people enjoyed a showcase event which I sincerely hope will be repeated soon.

There were a few problems; such as the problems some people had in finding their allocated seat but that can´t be taken away from the fact that this was a hugely successful event which did Majorca proud. Granted in the past we have enjoyed concerts by some great artists but having Bocelli and Elton John sharing the same stage was unheard off in Majorca.

The concert was also like the United Nations with people of all nationalities coming together for the big event. Bocelli and Elton John don´t need any presentation but their performance was first rate and both gave their large audience value for money and the entertainment value of the concert was second to none. So what next? I sincerely hope that in the future Majorca will stage concerts of this type again. It has proved that if you get quality acts then the people of Majorca will respond. After what has been a rather poor summer Elton John and Andrea Bocelli will mean that the summer finishes on a high.

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