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Ban bullfighting

By Jason Moore

THE other day in our letters to the editor section I was asked whether or not I supported bullfighting and some of the local traditional “fiestas” which allegedly involve mistreating animals.

After pondering the question I have now reached the conclusion that bullfighting should be banned and some of the local fiestas toned down. In these modern day times I don´t believe the spectacle of bullfighting should be taking place. These days only a small number of bullfights actually take place in Majorca and perhaps the time has come to close this chapter. Let´s face it, it is cruel and belongs to another age. Now, I am speaking from a personal perspective and I would not like to be seen to be criticising anyone who goes to a bullfight, because afterall it is part of Spanish culture. But I think Spain has moved on. Part of the problem, like most things in Spain, is that bullfighting has become politicised. Bullfighting is a Spanish traditions and some believe that by banning it a small part of Spain is being taken away. This is one of the reason why the ban caused such an outcry in Cataluñia. There is much more to Spain than bullfighting and it rather detracts from the fact that these days Spain is a leading European country.

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