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Dear Sir,


ONE comment does Mr Masters work for the Turkish and Bulgarian tourist offices? He seems happy to put off any tourists from coming to Majorca and then more will starve! I think Majorca is as expensive as you want to make it. There are good value restaurants and shops, look around we always find good value. Holiday in England and with the rotten weather we have had this year, you will be spending far more entertaining your family. I think it would be a good idea for people to promote Majorca and be loyal.


Sally Schofield

Dear Sir,

ON the 7th July we arrived in Banyalbufar for 14 days holiday, as we do every year and have done for 20 years. However on Monday 13th July my husband suffered a heart attack. He was taken into the Doctor's Surgery in Banyalbufar and he carried out all the necessary checks and sent for an ambulance. Within 1/2 hour, paramedics arrived and carried out further tests. It was decided he should go to hospital. Within 2 hours 40 minutes of arriving at the Son Dureta Hospital in Palma he was in Intensive Care (where he stayed for 6 days) all ECG, x-rays and tests were carried out, a stint had been fitted, inserted under local anesthetic through the groin, he was on oxygen and being monitored. The speed at which all this was done was amazing and through your letters column I should like to thank all the doctors and nursing staff at the Son Dureta for their care, the hospital was spotless, the food excellent (although salt-free!). He spent a further week in the hospital and then sent back to our hotel in Banyalbufar for a further 10 days recovery. We returned on the 4th August by EasyJet, having extended our flights by 2 weeks and they gave every assistance at the airport. The hotel was kindness itself bringing me in to Palma everyday and sending delicious melon in for my husband.

All in all everyone was superb - the local doctor even came to the hotel the day before we flew home to check my husband's blood pressure etc.
We cannot thank everyone enough - the Son Dureta is a credit to your health service.
Yours faithfully,

Rita Layter

Essex, England (via Royal Mail)

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