Dear Sir,
CAN someone please explain what is happening to the hire car industry in the Balearics. This will be the first year for well over 20 years that I will not be hiring a car! The one and only reason being the cost. I appreciate that you can shop around and you will get variations, but I have just checked with one well known company on the internet using different destinations and the varying cost is surprising! Faro in Portugal is the cheapest at 375 Euros, followed by France and the UK at approximately 420 Euros and £425 respectively, Tenerife is only 565 Euros with Palma at 1095 Euros! All these prices are based on 17 days, for a Ford KA or equivalent and picking up and dropping off at the main Airport.
There simply has to be a reason as I know through speaking to friends and local hire companies that this sort of cost is what is being asked, but why? Organising a hire car is normally the first thing that visitors renting apartments and villas do, if they feel that it is too much they will simply look elsewhere for both the car and accommodation, and this will in turn reflect on the Tourist trade as a whole! Someone, somewhere must be able to tell us why there is a massive increase since last year! I simply do not believe that the industry has decided to just increase the cost for no other reason than to increase profit and therefore rip-off customers, it just does not make sense at all.
Nick Winter, UK
Dear Sir,
WELL done Sr. Gutierrez, Ms Lomas, and the others who have come to the defense of Majorca in light of all the criticism being levelled on prices changed. It should be obvious to anyone from any town or city, in any country, that there are different prices charged for similar items, and seaside resorts with a limited trading season will charge top dollar and the unscrupulous will add something on top of that. There has always been, (and always will be) a difference in price from the greasy spoon café to the strand grill, with all stages inbetween. Here in Majorca prices/menus are usually well displayed at most establishments, so if worried about being ripped off do the sums before entering.
The major problem I think, is that everyone of those complainers expect Majorca to be cheap. Why? We are in the EU (not a third world country) have the third highest earning capacity per head in Spain, residents enjoy a fine style of living, 20'000 yacht moorings (probably more than the whole of the UK) golf courses well attended by those who can afford them (and more planned), the list goes on and on.
After my 40 years of living here, I think the Spanish have it worked out on holidays. Their attitude is If I cannot go on holiday without worrying about the last penny, I'd rather leave it and go next year and have a great holiday Maybe people are taking too many holidays each year, and have to stretch their money too far. Where is the fun going somewhere to enjoy and relax, and feel like a pamper, only able to moan and complain? Some holiday! The alternative is to go to other places like Bulgaria or Turkey, there it is cheaper, but that's if you want to go to Bulgaria, Turkey etc.
Graham Phillips