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Dear Sir,

WE had an enforced stay in Majorca when my partner was taken ill on leaving our Cruise on 24th July 2008. We had the good fortune to be taken to Son Llatzer Hospital. I feel I need to write and give my thanks to the hospital through your paper. The treatment, care and attention was of the highest order! The hospital is a credit to Palma and I have been visiting your island since 1965, and this is the first time I have had a problem! I can only say big thank you to everyone in intensive care, Cardiology ward 4B. Interpreters and Thomson Lady Ann who gave such support. In such circumstances it would have been so distressing, I do feel the need to say how grateful we were to receive such excellent attention. A credit to Palma is Son Llatzer Hospital.

Forever grateful,

Sylvia Garbett and Terence Voyse

Lincolnshire, England

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