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Holiday lets

By Jason Moore

Majorcan hotels are said to be a enjoying an occupancy level of close to 100 percent. There is no room at the inn. But at the same time a recent survey says that 42 percent of tourists stay in so-called illegal holiday apartments. So in other-words hoteliers shouldn't really moan and grown about holiday apartments because they haven´t got any room in the first place! According to this poll almost 50 percent of tourists are not staying in hotels or self catering apartments. I find this figure rather amazing and I sincerely doubt that it is accurate. Local hoteliers want so-called illegal holiday homes outlawed for once and for all. They are not interested and infact are deeply opposed to government plans to try and legalise the thousands of holiday apartments. Tourists should stay in hotels and nowhere else they say. But if figures are to be believed then more hotels will have to be built because there is simply not enough room. I don't see any reason why holiday home owners can't let out their properties as long as the necessary taxes are paid and the property meets certain standards. Surely, hoteliers can't object to someone buying a holiday home on the island and then renting it out when it is not being used? Unfortunately, they do and they are fighting hard for the local government to launch a crackdown. Well, perhaps the local authorities should crackdown on all inclusive holidays because they are certainly damaging Majorca.

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