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Dear Sir
I was very encouraged to read Joy Wolfe's letter of last Thursday in which she so pointedly, but gently, demolishes your correspondent Ray Fleming's constant bias in favour of the Palestinians, and antipathy towards Israel. And she was also spot on in lambasting Mr Fleming's earlier apologia on Iran's threat to wipe Israel off the map.
Like other readers whose letters have been published recently, she has spotted that Mr Fleming is often both economical and selective with the facts, and chooses to slant his comments to suit his inherent prejudices. Is this true journalism?
Apart from his repetitive platitudes on the Middle East, his slavish support for Gordon Brown, ‘the man who is getting on with the job' is ridiculous. Is he not aware that according to most of the cabinet and the UK media, Brown is down and out, whatever the economic weather. And so is the Labour party.
It is astonishing, however, that Mr Fleming carries on trying to inform your readers that Gordo can do a phoenix before the next election, and in his pathetically begrudging way, that David Cameron still hasn't got his act together on policies or on the Scottish dimension. From his comments, you do wonder if your correspondent has ever been to Glasgow East. So let's get real Mr Fleming. The crunch is to do with a widespread revulsion for the present government and all it stands for, and much less to do with the Opposition. It was always thus.
I do hope that in future we, as readers of your fine publication, can expect a more balanced and realistic level of commentary on international and political affairs. As Joy Wolfe has clearly shown, you do have readers who are extremely well informed on subjects over which Mr Fleming has always thought he could assume a monopoly.
Yours faithfully
Andrew Ferguson

Dear Sir
WHILST agreeing with the sentiments of suitable flights from various English airports over the winter, it is still possible to travel to Majorca from Manchester. We have already booked our flights with BMI Baby until March 2009.
Nigel Howarth
Bowdon Cheshire
Deya Majorca

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