By Humphrey Carter
I am sure that every serious journalist's goal is not only to report the facts but to also make a difference and Sue Lloyd-Roberts has been honoured time and time again, for not only her documentaries but how she has tackled the issue of human rights or rather the abuse of them all over the world.
She is an example to all of us sat behind our news desks - give me a commission and I would be in a conflict zone tomorrow, instead of having to watch and listen to an ever growing army of so called experts pontificating on rolling news channels about topics they really know nothing, or very little, about and certainly have not had any first hand experience like reporters, such as Sue.
Hence, why she is Journalist of the Year'.
I have written many times before that the best place to learn to be a journalists is in the street and it is also the best place to be able to use that skill to make a difference, even if it just increases people's awareness - but you have to be there to do it.