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RAY Fleming (Looking Around 2/6) should receive some sort of honour from Gordon Brown for his undying/blind support something inscribed “most loyal labour supporter” might be appropriate! Gordon Brown was chancellor for nine or ten years and the warning bells were already ringing in 2004/2005 on the property “bubble”/overload of debt etc, where were the checks and balances? Northern Rock should have jolted someone out of their complacency but the train just ran on out of control.

Again it was on Brown's watch that the speaker of the House spent 200'000 of tax payers money trying to block (through the courts) freedom of information on MP's expenses- that speaks volumes for itself. On Sunday, I watched Brown being interviewed, his first appearance in 8 days or 80, and I had the distinct feeling he had rehearsed short political statements that had no bearing on the question asked, and looked distinctly uncomfortable. Does Britain deserve on top of all the problems and mess that exists today after 12 years of Labour Government another year before an election is called, just because Gordon Brown wants to gamble that he might turn things around, even a little, by this time next year? He has had his time, failed in many respects, lost the respect of the vast majority of the public, has severely damaged his party's image (with help of his co MP's) and should end this constant drip- drip of bad news, stagnant economy, etc and pass the baton on. Let the “new broom” sweep up the mess.


Graham Phillips

I am writing regards the exceptionally high fuel charges being made by a car company. I rented a car in late April via Carjet ES, whilst the daily charge is reasonable I was charged 70 euro for a full tank of fuel for a Ford Fusion. Fords technical data indicates that maximum capacity is 43 litres, this equates to in excess of 1.6 euro per litre.

I have queried this with Carjet ES who to date have received no response from the company, but they (Carjet ES) have indicated this is fairly normal !!! Also why should I have to pay for a full tank of fuel, when I invariably return the vehicle particularly if a diesel model with half a tank left. This is a rip off as you are unaware of these charges until you collect and pay for the car at the airport desk, by which time it is too late to change. The local Government should be taking some action to stop or control this very bad practice.

Paul Brady
Santa Ponsa & UK

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