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Yesterday´s news

By Jason Moore
I had a quiet smile to myself when I saw John Prescott being stripped of most of his powers last week. In my humble opinion Prescott is not a very nice man. When he came on holiday to Majorca last summer we tried our best to get a photograph to record his visit. Now, I believe that good manners go along way and I attempted to contact the Deputy Prime Minister, who was staying in Andratx, to ask him to pose for a photograph and perhaps even a brief interview. My request didn't even get an answer from the alleged great man who promptly slammed the phone down on me. As far as we were concerned, one photograph would have been enough. The whole operation would have taken 10 seconds and that would have been it. But no, he insisted in staying in his apartment and left the island 48 hours later blaming the local media. I don't think it was the right way to behave and you would have thought that the Deputy Prime Minister would have been more media savvy. And then there was good old David Blunkett, who refused to give us any more interviews, because I had the nerve to say in an editorial that he shouldn't have been on holiday in Majorca just days after September 11 2001, when he was Home Secretary and London was on full terror alert. Blunkett has returned to the back benches and to some extent so has Prescott. They shouldn't worry, we won't be bothering them in Majorca ever again...because to use a journalistic phrase they are yesterday's news and not really worth our time any longer!
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