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By Jason Moore

CAN Britain really afford to replace its Trident nuclear weapons? The final cost will be about 100 billion pounds which for a country which is close to bankruptcy is probably just a bridge too far.

The more sensible option is to place nuclear warheads on existing Tomahawk cruise missiles which equip Royal Navy submarines. Some former service chiefs have already given their support for this idea which is favoured by the Liberal Democrats. The money which is saved from cancelling Trident II would then be invested in conventional weapons more suited for the war in Afghanistan. The Ministry of Defence is spending billions on new jets for the Royal Air Force along with submarines, aircraft carriers and frigates for the Royal Navy. Let's face it, these weapons are never going to enter service simply because Britain can´t afford them. It is time that Britain got real and realised that the country´s terrible financial situation means that hard financial decisions have to be taken. Cancelling Trident is just the start. If Britain is ever to get its debt mountain under control then action is certainly needed. Labour and the Conservatives shouldn´t promise things that they know they will be unable to deliver. Major cuts need to be made, starting with defence.

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