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By Jason Moore

IMAGINE if you had been on Mars for the weekend and you travel back to earth (if you can!) to discover that northern Europe had become a no-fly zone because of volcanic ash and that the Liberal Democrats were ahead in the opinion polls! It has been an incredible three days and it is quite amazing in this day and age that the airline industry can be brought to an standstill because of a volcano in a far away land.

I would say that the airlines have been slow to react to the problem and even if airports start to re-open again it is going to take many days to clear the back-log. Quite incredible and what a disaster for the travel industry as a whole. Now, the opinion polls in the election race make even more amazing reading, who would have thought that the Liberal Democrats could be ahead in the polls. In some ways I am pleased because it will certainly mean that Gordon Brown and David Cameron are going to have to work even harder to get votes. It also shows how bored people are with politics and the Conservatives and Labour when one debate can completely change the political landscape, according to the polls. I sincerely doubt that Nick Clegg will become Prime Minister but he is certainly a breath of fresh air.

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