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Talking down the economy

MUCH as I hate to admit it I find myself agreeing with Lord Mandelson when he accuses the Conservative Party of talking down the British economy. Over the weekend various business leaders said that the recession in Britain had reached rock bottom and forecast a slight recovery. After months of bad news at least there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel. But enter the Shadow Chancellor George Osbourne who gave the impression that Britain was on the brink of financial meltdown and will the last person to leave the UK please turn the light off. The only way that Britain or Spain or any other country will come out of recession is if people start spending again. If you listen to Osbourne then you are going to bury your savings in the garden and throw away the spade! I think there is a need for the Conservative Party to act slightly more responsibly. Underline the fact that there are some serious economic problems but at the same time try and give some support. The Tories know about the importance of public confidence and spending. It must be remembered that the Conservatives were in power during the last two recessions (1980s, and 1990s) and they know the dangers of people talking down

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