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Dear Sir, I like a number of my UK friends are very fond of Palma, as a long weekend retreat. One of the negative points is, if Palma promotes itself as a weekend resort, why are all the shops closed? We have to dash around, if possible on a Saturday morning or go without. If the shops are suffering so much during this economic crisis, surely during the tourist periods they could open over the weekends? Indeed I am sure the locals would find it beneficial as well, as we discovered in the UK.

Yours sincerely
Derek Brampton
Dear Sir,

ON Friday Ray Fleming confused the Organization of American States (OAS) with the Alliance For Progress; “The Organisation of American States (also once known as the Alliance for Progress).” The latter was a joint foreign aid and development initiative started in 1961 and wound up in 1973. The former is a conference of nations established in 1951 as a successor to several previous such institutions dating back to the early nineteenth century. The Alliance was administered under the aegis of the OAS [OEA]. The Alliance was never more than a department of the Organization.

Mainstream opinion is that the Alliance, a multinational socialist scheme was a failure. The Organization, while its record is mixed, has successfully implemented several treaties and mediated multiple disputes. It is considered an effective sounding board and umbrella administrator for several programs of co-operation among the nations of the Western Hemisphere. Another way to explain the difference between the two is that the OAS is sort of a permanent regional UN. The Alliance was just a short term PR stunt/boondoggle.

Ralph McGaughey
Boston, MA USA

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