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By Jason Moore
A right political row has now broken out between the Majorcan Tourist Board and Balearic leader Francesc Antich over comments made by the Tourist Board chairman, Pedro Iriondo.

Antich has called for the resignation of Iriondo for saying that “African and South American hotel workers did not know how to sell the island,” and he was also critical of passengers who travel on no-frills airlines. Iriondo has since apologised for his comments but Antich is demanding he stands down. Members of the executive board of the Tourist Board have said effectively that Antich should mind his own business and not get involved because at the end of the day the Tourist Board is a private organisation. In some ways they are right and I do believe that Antich was rather foolish to get involved in this whole affair. The fact that Iriondo has apologised should really be enough and it is a matter for the board of the Majorcan Tourist Board to take the necessary action they feel appropriate.

The whole incident is rather regrettable and Iriondo should never have made these comments but the best thing to do is to draw a line under the whole affair and move on. Antich´s involvement has only given the whole affair an even greater profile and this is a great shame.

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