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SEYMOUR Hersh is probably the best investigative journalist in the world. The New Yorker magazine has a fact-checking department unequalled in the world. So when Mr Hersh writes a 6'000 word article in The New Yorker saying that President Bush is set on course for regime change in Iran and will not rule out the use of nuclear weapons to achieve that goal it is necessary to take notice. Yesterday Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw dismissed the possibility of a nuclear strike on Iran as “completely nuts”. I can only think he has not read the article. I have read it in full and although Mr Hersh is careful not to overstate his case the evidence he produces of active preparation by US military for an attack of some kind on Iran is solid. His sources have always been impeccable. Mr Hersh quotes one senior intelligence official as saying the military planning is premised on a belief that “a sustained bombing campaign in Iran will humiliate the religious leadership and lead the public to rise up and overthrow the government.” And he added, “When I heard that I asked myself, What are they smoking?” Another official close to the White House told Mr Hersh that the President believes that ”saving Iran is going to be his legacy”. We need a more considered statement on Iran from Mr Straw or Mr Blair than either has so far offered.

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