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Person of the week.

...Is Margaret Thatcher who died this week. Once again the Iron Lady is a talking point up and down Britain and has stirred much opinion and comment. I sincerely believe that she changed Britain for the better and laid the foundations for my generation to prosper. I am too young to remember the lights going out in Britain every four days or the endless strikes but one of the reason why I came to Majorca in 1975 was because my father worked for a Sheffield company which sold steel to the British motor industry. Unfortunely little steel was being bought in the 1970s because of industrial disputes and this led to my father bringing the family to Spain. For weeks on end he would return empty handed from Fords at Dagenham because of the wildcat strikes. He was from a generation who had been born in the days of empire and who had voluntereed to fight for his country at the outbreak of the Second World War aged 17. He summed up Britain in the 1970s with the words “we have become a third rate power.” A rather fitting statement when you think of Britain during that era. If anyone doubted that Margaret Thatcher was needed then they should have just spoken to my father.

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