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Dear Sir,

I attach a copy of a letter (see below) I have written today to the president thanking the Council of Majorca for allowing the Canino Centro to remain open pending the granting of a full licence within the next three months for its retention and operation as a refuge for abused and abandoned animals on the island.

I believe it is important for other animal-lovers on Majorca as well as visitors to the island to express their gratitude to the council for the conciliatory approach they now seem to be taking. All who have experience of the plight of abandoned animals on Majorca will recognise how important it is for the Canino Centro to be licensed to continue its work of mercy.


Ted Brocklebank MSP

Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh

Dear Francina Amengol,

I am writing to express my gratitude to the Concell de Majorca for agreeing to grant a licence for the continued operation of Palma's Canino Centro. I understand that this licence will cover all legal requirements for the care of abandoned and abused animals and that it will be granted within three or four months. I am sure you will agree that it is important for the dedicated supporters of Canino Centro and all who hold animal welfare on the island dear to be able to plan for the future after what has been a difficult time.

Those of us who have homes on your beautiful island and regard ourselves as part of Majorca's wider family are extremely grateful that the Canino Centro will be able to continue with its vital work.

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