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...for Mike Haley from the UK's Consumer Protection office and his counterpart in the Balearics, Diego Gonzalez, who together this past week have made clear what important progress is being made in ensuring that established consumers' rights are observed to the same standards and with the same commitment throughout the European Union. It is in the provision and monitoring of services in this broad field that the average citizen can discover one of the real benefits of EU membership, especially in such new areas as internet shopping. Sr Gonalez and Mr Haley are to be congratulated on the joint effort they have made to inform British residents in the Balearics about their rights and how to use them. There is, however, another dimension to this matter --the extent to which shopkeepers, restaurateurs, service providers and others are sufficiently aware of the consumers' right to draw attention to any shortcomings in the service they provide and of their need to respond constructively when approached. Too often justified complaints are met with a shrug of the shoulders or an angry refutation which inhibit further pursuit of the matter.

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