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Dear Sir, THURSDAY'S “Letters” and “Viewpoint” raised some points, firstly K.M. Stynch on the reduction in price of gas bottles from 1st April. Why it was not introduced, say, last October, is because, I am sure, the heaviest use/demand is in its use for heating, estufas, etc, usual cooking is much the same all year and consumes far less. No heating needed in the summer, but look out for price rises in the autumn! On Mr. Morrison's letter ref: BMIBay flights, its Majorca this summer, enquiries lead to bookings, and in theory, more enquiries will relate to bookings, but in these present turbulent times, there may be a lot of people “dreaming” of getting away from it all, as opposed to jumping off a cliff! Finally the Viewpoint article about the number of Spanish players in a British football team, not may be well known to everyone, is the situation of Bilbao Atletico of Spain's first division (premier league) who ONLY allow players in, if they are of Basque origin. Can you imagine Manchester United forming a team from only those born in Lancashire? In fact, with the possible exception of London (with the large population) probably not one British club could field a team to qualify for anything in Europe! Bilbao, whatever the result in the Kings Cup final against Barcelona, as Barcelona will surely qualify for Championship in 2010, as runners up Bilbao will qualify for Uefa in 2010. Not bad for a team of “local lads”! Yours sincerely,

Graham Phillips

Dear Sir, I READ with some interest the figures for yearly house price decline. As always in Spain true figures are hard to come by. To imply that house prices have only fallen by 10 percent year on year is totally out of touch with reality. Here in the UK prices have fallen in varying amounts but the official figure is around 17 percent.

I read in the UK media recently that prices in the Balearics have fallen by 20 percent and prices on the southern coast of Spain have fallen between 30-40 percent that's if you can find a buyer.

So, perhaps a little bit of realism is called for even though it might not be what people want to hear.

Stuart Allsop

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