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The Spanish election

By Jason Moore
IT is quite amazing how the televised debates between the two principal leaders have transformed the Spanish election. Last week´s big debate was watched by more than 12 million people, almost an all time TV record in Spain. A similar number were expected to watch last night´s debate between the socialist candidate Rodriguez Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy of the opposition Partido Popular. But while they are popular I suspect that the majority of Spain has already made-up their mind who they will be voting for on Sunday and the debate will only reaffirm their support for the rival candidates. All the polls put to victory for the Spanish Socialist Party and even in the Balearics the PSOE has gained ground on the Partido Popular. Infact one poll last weekend suggested that the two parties now had a similar share of the vote. Polls also suggest that the small Balearic nationalist parties who have formed a single party will only take a small share of the vote. If the polls are to be believed and the socialists have gained ground on the Partido Popular then it will be good news for Balearic leader Francesc Antich who is also General Secretary of the Socialist Party in the Balearics. The Balearics has been a traditional Partido Popular stronghold and therefore the party should be concerned. Both the socialists and the Partido Popular, if the polls are accurate, will have four MPs each for the islands. If Zapatero wins on Sunday, it would be a remarkable victory and underline the fact that the Socialist Party is beginning to take hold in Spain again after a period of decline.
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