By Jason Moore
NOW I always thought that the metro was a complete white elephant and now the local government wants to build a tram service ringing the Bay of Palma. Why? Now all public transport projects which keep cars off the road are a good idea if they serve a purpose. Now, the metro, serves little purpose at all because it appears that large numbers of students and industrial estate workers are not using it. It was designed for them but it is not going to be used by them. And now the tram. Now, a high speed rail system which will get tourists to resorts quicker is a very good idea. Unfortunately, I don´t think these projects have been designed for tourists at all. They are just flagship projects which are being built to show that the local government is trying to improve public transport but at the same time they are doing little to encourage people to actually use it. At the end of the day a new Palma ring road will have to be built because the car is still king in Majorca. My advice to the local authorities, before they embark on more ambitious and costly projects would be to produce a transport plan which pinpoints what is really needed. At the moment millions of euros are being spent on projects which are nothing more than white elephants.
A transport plan, please