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“Mad dogs and Englishmen”

Dear Editor,
I HAVE have today gone to give blood (24 January, 2006) at Jaime III in Palma. To my astonishment I was told that because I am British and have lived in England for more than six months during the years 1980 to 1996 that I cannot give blood as I might have “Mad Cow Disease”. No other explanation was given.
ARE there no tests for “Mad Cow Disease”? What about Hepatitis or Aids, both of which are more prevalent in this day and age? I was asked about neither of these, just the fact I could have ”Mad Cow Disease” because I'm British!! Does this mean I can never give blood in any country or is it just another example of the ”anti-British” feeling that is so often displayed on this island. Perhaps it's a case of ”Mad Majorcan Disease”?
Matthew Studden, by e-mail
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