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WELL it looks as if, after two previous attempts, the local government has finally found a tourist minister who talks some sense.
At the Madrid tourist fair (FITUR) he announced the latest figures.
Cutting to the chase, last year the number of visitors to the Balearic islands dropped by 11.3% whilst the revenue rose by 13.8%.
He has now called for, and I quote,“ a large remodelling of the tourist industry”.
I presume what he means by this is that he will do his best to make sure that the current facilities are left to deteriorate even further, suggest hikes in prices all round and to dissuade as many airlines as he can to fly here.

Using the above figures it follows that if he can achieve a target of a 100% drop in tourist arrivals it will bring a 108% increase in revenue, not to mention pleasing many of his anorak and tree hugging compatriots in this coalition government who have gone on record saying that they would prefer to see less foreigners here.

Yours, John Rule
Sol de Majorca

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