By Jason Moore
EVERYONE you meet at the moment is complaining about the price rises in Majorca. What I can´t understand is why there is such a difference from one place to another. A few weeks ago, I highlighted the fact that the same electric fire was 30 euros cheaper from one branch to another. At the moment in Palma you can pay anything from one euro to three euros fifty for the same cup of coffee. This is an amazing state of affairs.
How can there be such a difference? As a result of the recession consumers are looking more closely at prices and a direct result Majorca is quite rightly getting the tag of RIP-OFF Majorca. I don´t understand why the Balearic government can´t introduce a degree of price control. At the moment the Balearic government sets a minimum price for all articles. But there is no maximum. This is up to the business involved. So I think the law should be changed and rather than setting a minimum a maximum should be set instead. This would be relatively simple and it could mean that there are no more cases of overcharging. It is important that Majorcan businesses have competitive prices because otherwise there is a danger than the island could be quite simply priced out of the market.