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Leave health service alone

by Humphrey Carter

I am sure Prime Minister Rajoy, desperate to avoid a full bail out, will order his regional government pawns to introduce more cuts in the New Year.
And, when he does, I sincerely hope that here in the Balearics, lap dog President Jose Ramon Bauza, leaves the Balearic health service alone.
After having spent most of Christmas Eve in casualty at Son Espases, the hospital staff fail to continually amaze me with their professionalism and dedication.

In the face of a swathe of cuts which have already been introduced, the scrapping of free parking, wage cuts and demands for greater performance, the staff appear to have taken it all in their stride and provide a really first class service.

Son Espases had its teething problems, that is usual for such a massive building which employs over 3'000 people.
But now, it seems to tick over like clock work providing care, attention and treatment like no other.
So, if Bauza and his men in black, well at least he has one woman in the cabinet now, want to save some more money then look elsewhere, perhaps at themselves and their small army of civil servants and triplicate government through the Council and Majorca down to the local councils.

If there is not enough money to fund the Council of Majorca properly then scrap it, but I hope no further damage is done to the health service and its staff.

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